NGOs and Inequality

Tue, 11 Aug 2020 09:53:43 GMT

This essay is a response to Hugo Amsellem @HugoAmsellem: &

The theses of Paul Graham's essay `inequality` are:
(a) don't hate startups: police corruption,
(b) take from rich, &
(c) increase productivity of the poor. It aims to absolve + glorify startups as a (!= only) high risk vehicle which accomplishes this.

Favoring those most able to absorb risk.

A meaningful way of enabling equal footing and greater inclusive opportunity for startups is by increasing the floor for everyone and funding sustainable non-profit services which serve everyone & help the poor disproportionately: e.g. Carnegie formula Libraries.

Which wealth is being created matters. An open/unregulated market w/ millions of hustling founders may yield opiods, sugar, pornography, and externalities such as global warming (while very well elevating themselves).

Regulation is important, though as noted can hurt startups.

* The challenge for non-profits is survival: sustainable funding and favorable policy
* The challenge for startups is the high-risk barrier to entry (product market fit) and inequitable access
* The problem with startups is they need to be checked for corruption once successful

We have an opportunity, as a society, to drive talent to NGOs/non-profits, and establish public funding mechanisms to ensure both startups & public-good establishments flourish.

Of the two: because startups incentivize themselves, I think we need to be driving more talented people to NGOs.

Tags: opiods, Paul Graham, externalities, startups, Hugo Amsellem, @HugoAmsellem, Regulation, essay, Carnegie formula, NGOs