Computing as a Way of Life


This resource describes the importance of computer science, not as a profession, but as an essential set of skills and a mindset which are a fundamental requirement for "literacy", that no person should be without. That computer science is as critical to a life as mathematics and natural language on the basis that Computer Science determines their [Math's, Natural Language's] application. First it will be defined what is meant by computer science. Second, we'll examine what computers are and clarify their role in computer science (as they serve but one part). In present day, Computers have come to mean machines capable of reliable numeric processing, inter-communication, and execution of formal rules. A Computer's ability to deliver on this promise depends on the accuracy of lower level formal rules, not only in software, but hardware (explain). (goal) guaranteeing reproducibility; the actuation of idempotence. Thus, thirdly, we'll examine what learnings and approaches from Computer Science may be abstracted away from the traditional Computer and applied to the individual and to life; a computer whose internals are much less introspectable and understood, and a landscape with much higher variability and stochasticism. The result of our study will be a subset of rules which hold for both traditional Computers and for us and our lives, as well as an attempt at a new set of rules (a meta-computer science) for evaluating how computer science changes or applies accross different computational frameworks.


Computer Science

What is Computer Science? Computer Science is obstensibly the discipline of solving problems. In this capacity, it is the art (theory/analysis, design, application, and philosophy) of data* structures, algorithms, models (the organization and application of these aforementioned things to fit or represent a domain's data), protocols, and implementations of the systems which enable these things (computational theory, hardware, firmware, operating systems, drivers, compilers, programming languages, etc.).

* Data structures necessitate data. The study of data (Epidemiology) is frequently referred to as Data Science, and while it may employ technique from Computer Science and other fields, it is convenient (it allows us to better use Computer Science inductively) to view them separately.

Computer science is also a process. It's the process by which a generalization of a problem is achieved. It's applicability and theory spans every field. Computer science is how we apply mathematics. It's how we search for answers. It's the protocol we employ while conversing, the way we organize our thoughts, and the framework by which we evaluate a statement's truthfulness, relevance, or implications.


TODO: Mention computer scientists who didn't use computers and what problems they were addressing.

Computers are a useful way to study and advance the theory and practical application of data structures and algorithms. It is taken as definition that different computers with different internal computational models and architectures (quantum computers, x86 v 64), quantities or qualities of resources, and different connectedness within networks, represent different problem subspaces which are thus easier to control for and axiomatically understand than the global arena of "life". While subject to many more sources of complication than restricted computational frameworks, specific problems life can be heuristically informed or approximated data structures algorithms

We are computers. This is the definition of computer which precedes.[1] in fact, the role of computer That is to say, computer science does not require a compute Much of computer science has been advanced by those not even having access to computers. Von neumann,


Natural language allows for communication. Mathematics allows for comparison, analysis, and logic. Computer science (meta-mathematics) allows us to reason. A proof is Computer science allows us to objectify Computer science is the way This guide will show us what there is to learn from computer science, how to test or look for conditions which make these learnings relevant to life, and how these rules may be generalized to be taken advantage of describes what a computer represents the ways it helps us address problems (qty: faster computation, qlty: eliminating vars/simulating) applied to discover general classes of problems analyze what problems outside of computers are amenable to ...

Table of Context


Computer Science offers teachings on how society can more effectively learn:

"Schools, for some reason, don’t seem to care about deriving properties or developing procedures, but rather teaching students how to memorize and execute procedures (something computers happen to do quite well)."[3]


[1] [2] [3]